Monthly Archives: August 2018

Peter Parker Is Spider-Man on PS4’s Greatest Strength

If you show a picture of Marvel’s Spider-Man to someone for the first time, they’re likely to notice one thing: the suit. Insomniac has created a brand-new look for Spider-Man that’s entirely unique but immediately recognizable, its own spin on a hero we’ve been following for decades.

But while it’s true that the suit may catch your eye first, spending real time with the game reveals what’s underneath is just as important. For all the work that’s gone into making a new look for Spider-Man, Insomniac has put equal work into Peter Parker, giving the man behind the mask new depth and instant relatability that defines the character.

A More Mature Hero

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What Did You Think of This Week’s Comics?

The comic book industry started out August the right way, with the start of Marvel's Infinity Wars crossover and new issues of Batman and The Walking Dead.

Scroll down to check out our new reviews and thinkpieces and let us know your favorite books of the week in the comments below.

Batman #52 Review


Written by Tom King | Drawn by Lee Weeks

"Tom King and Lee Weeks have a fairly simple task before them with this current Batman storyline. They need to establish Bruce Wayne's present state of mind following his unexpected breakup with Selina Kyle and why he's losing his grip as Batman. There are surely simpler, more straightforward ways the two could have gone about that story. But the fact that they've put so much effort and care into the series' first post-wedding storyline makes it that much more of an enjoyable read." -Jesse

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Def Jam Might Be Teasing a New Game

Def Jam Recordings has been asking its social media followers what they want from a new game, leading some to believe a new Def Jam Vendetta sequel might be in the works.

On Twitter, the record label first asked fans which modern star they'd like to see on the cover of a hypothetical new Def Jam Vendetta, before following that up by asking which city they'd like to see as a setting, in the style of sequel Fight for NY:

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Clone Wars is Coming to the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

At Fantasy Flight Games’ Gen Con 2018 preview on Wednesday night, the tabletop publisher announced that Star Wars’ prequel era series would be brought to life in the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures game as well as Star Wars: Legion.

While not detailing how Clone Wars would appear within Legion, two Clone Wars era ships were teased for X-Wing, including a Sith Infiltrator concept art image and what looked like a reference image for a Jedi Starfighter.

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Original Grudge Movie Producer Sues Makers of Upcoming Reboot

Producer of the original Japanese Grudge franchise Ju-on, Taja Ichise, has filed a breach of contract suit against the upcoming Sony remake.

Ichise is claiming that Good Universe refused to allow him a producer's credit he upcoming film, despite the fact that the original contract said the film production company could have the rights to the franchise on the condition it included said credit.

Ichise produced the original Ju-On in 2002, which was adapted in 2004 in a Sarah Michelle-Gellar starring American remake. The upcoming reboot will be based on the 2004 film and will be produced by Sam Raimi. The movie will star Demian Bichir (The Hateful Eight) and Andrea Riseborough (Battle of the Sexes), and Nicolas Pesce will direct from a script he wrote.

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Magic: The Gathering Creator’s New Game Will Sell Billions of Unique Decks

On Wednesday at Gen Con 2018, Fantasy Flight Games revealed the newest card game from legendary Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield, KeyForge.

Similar to Magic, KeyForge is a 1v1 competitive card game, but instead of using the traditional ‘Trading Card Game’ format where you build a deck out of randomized booster packs, or the ‘Living Card Game’ format where you get all of the cards outright and then buy full expansion sets later, KeyForge will use an entirely new format called a ‘Unique Deck Game’.

What that means is that players will buy a premade 36-card deck that is a completely unique combination of cards from the game. No other deck in the world will be exactly like it, and it can’t be altered or customized in any way, even having its own unique card back and name to distinguish the cards in it.

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Infinity War: Why Thor Didn’t Take the Headshot

In the aftermath of Avengers: Infinity War’s theatrical release, many fans were blaming Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), whose actions interfered with the Avengers trying to remove the Infinity Gauntlet, for Thanos's survival and victory but blame could be laid at another hero’s feet, Thor (Chris Hemsworth).

Shortly after Thanos obtains all six Infinity Stones, Thor emerges from the heavens with his powerful axe Stormbreaker, which strikes Thanos in the chest, not the head, a decision that ultimately resulted in half of all life being snapped out of existence. Writer Christopher Markus revealed on the Avengers: Infinity War commentary track that Thor's decision was fueled by revenge, while adding a humorous anecdote about when this scene was shot.

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World of Warcraft’s Pre-Battle for Azeroth In-Game Event Has Fans Divided

Recent developments in World of Warcraft's pre-Battle for Azeroth in-game event, War of the Thorns, have fans divided on the story moving forward into the latest expansion.

In War of the Thorns, the Alliance and Horde clash once again, this time with fan-favorite character Sylvanas leading the Horde. While the two factions have always been morally grey, Sylvanas' most recent actions are solidly in the evil camp.

She was once a High elf, though her soul was taken from her body by the death knight Arthas. After that, she led the undead faction the Forsaken. Now she is in charge of the Horde, set on starting a full-fledged war with the Alliance. Her grizzliest act? Invading Northern Kalimdor and destroying Teldrassil, the World Tree.

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